You are what you think!
15 Nov, 2007, 0000 hrs IST,PARAMAHAMSA SRI NITHYANANDA for The Economic Times
We become what we think. Yad bhaavam tat bhavati, is what our scriptures say. Whatever we think and feel again and again is what we become. What we think we verbalise, what we verbalise we visualise and what we visualise happens.
Wisconsin University carried out an interesting research.
There are societies and cultures in our world where the language spoken is very refined and without negativities. For instance, if you notice, people from the Lucknow area, whether Hindu or Muslim, would use the respectful term for ‘you’, even to their children. Politeness and etiquette are bred into them.
On such communities Wisconsin University carried out research and found that people in such communities rarely suffered from depression and such similar ailments. They found that if the words people use are refined and without negativity, mind is not adversely affected. They do not get stressed, they do not get worried and they do not get depressed. They lead a relatively happier life.
Worry is nothing but the constant inner chatter within us, the constant negative inner chatter. I am asked again and gain, ‘To what extent are we responsible for our thoughts?’
If we are not responsible for our thoughts, who else can then be responsible for them? Our thoughts arise from within us, not from or through someone else! Is it possible for someone to come between us and our minds? Certainly not!
Brahma havit brahmaiva bhavati, say our scriptures. He who focuses on the Brahman, the Ultimate, becomes the Brahman, the Ultimate himself. What we focus our mind on, what we think, what we feel is what we become. There is no doubt about this.
How can we stop worrying? How can we streamline our thoughts without negativity? This is what everyone wants to know.
The solution is simple. You need to be aware of what you think. Constantly be aware of what your thoughts are and straighten them out. You need not stop doing anything you are engaged in to do this.
You can be driving, you can be in conversation, you can be cooking and still you are thinking. Constantly thoughts arise. Most of the time, you do not even watch your thoughts. You let your thoughts guide you into fantasies.
For a change, watch your thoughts. As soon as there is a negative thought, change it into a more positive thought. You may say it is too simple. Yes, it is that simple.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007
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