TALENT SHARE 2008 - An online global talent hunt for children between 4 to 15

Dear Friends and Dear Parents,
Summer holidays over and the holy month of Ramadan started in the Middle East. Back home, it is festival time with Onam just near-by and several other regional festivities lined up after. Children are our future and any attempt to bolster their talents will never be wasted. I find many opportunities available for children who pursue cultural talents like Dance, Music, etc and also for those who are interested in sports capabilities. All of them have plenty of venues to exhibit and excel in their interesting field.
Talent doesn’t end there. There are some un-sung little heroes left un-attended. Those who find letters, words and sentences more attractive than every one else. Or those who find lines, strokes and colours more attractive than words and letters. They live in a different world and it is our responsibility to nurture their talents too.
With this view in mind, we present to you on behalf of Team 1 Dubai and Athaani blogspots, the first ever on-line talent hunt – SHARE 2008.
It is simple and easy to participate. All rules and regulations are clearly drafted with absolute transparency in selection procedures. Moreover, all participants will get an attractive participation certificate and winners will get suitable rewards, wherever they are located globally.
So, why waste time? See what your child has in store in his little mind. From our side, we will regularly update both the websites with guidance notes and assistance material to develop these talents. All the entries received will be posted online for the whole world to notice your child’s creative talent.
Winners will be decided by a collective panel of eminent judges, both in-house and online.
Remember, creativity is immortal. An article or a creative posts of your child submitted online is life long. I believe it is my share of responsibility to promote talent. It will be your share too, if you acknowledge it and support us to obtain at least one entry for this global competition. This is a global invitation and please therefore send this to all your friends and well wishers and help us to get maximum participation for this event. Entries close on 30 September 2008.
Looking forward,
Ramesh Menon
http://www.team1udbai.blogspot.com/ http://www.athaani.blogspot.com/ e-mail: team1dubai@gmail.com
Topics and Guidelines
For AGE GROUP 4 to 8 years
Pencil Sketching & Painting
· Birds and Animals you get to see in your daily life
· Your favourite place of visit
· If animals, present them with their moods, for example an angry dog, a playful cat etc
· Favourite places can be school, shopping malls, places of worship etc.
· For painting, outlines can be drawn and given, preferable mode of coloring is colour pencil.
· Use A4 size paper with 1 inch margin on all sides.
· Let your child’s creative mind travel around.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com
General Instructions:
· Please send the entries with a brief bio-data of the child showing:
Date of Birth:
Parents Name:
Contact address : e-mail
Contract Address by Post:
Send your entries with the Title:
SHARE 2008 – name of the event (painting etc) & Age group.
Incomplete entries will not be selected for competition
Topics and Guidelines
For AGE GROUP 9 to 11 years
Pencil Sketching & Painting
· Your school life
· Your dream holiday moments
· School life – you may present a daily class scene or your school function etc
· Dream holiday can be a moment you cherish while you were on holiday abroad, or even at home, or any other.
· For painting, outlines can be drawn and given, preferable mode of coloring is colour pencil.
· Use A4 size paper with 1 inch margin on all sides.
· Let your child’s creative mind travel around.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
Essay writing (entries invited in English & Malayalam)
· Three most interesting things you want to do in your daily life, and want to repeatedly do it whenever you can.
· Your living environment and what you do to make it pleasant for you
· Importance of Reading and collecting information for future referrals.
· Three most interesting thing can be about studies, play or any daily interaction.
· Living environment can be your apartment complex and life around or any other.
· Entries can be in English or Malayalam, and a child can submit both in English and Malayalam.
· One page, neatly written on A4 size paper in own hand writing, with 1 inch margin on all side of the paper.
· If possible, an additional typed copy also to be submitted along with the hand written version.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
Poem writing, Short Story (entries invited in English & Malayalam)
· Free choice – any interesting topic your child favours - Let your child’s creative mind travel around.
· Poem should be minimum 20 lines.
· Short story to be minimum of two hand written pages.
· Entries can be in English or Malayalam, and a child can submit both in English and Malayalam.
· Neatly written on A4 size paper in own hand writing, with 1 inch margin on all side of the paper.
· If possible, an additional typed copy also to be submitted along with the hand written version.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
General Instructions:
· Please send the entries with a brief bio-data of the child showing:
Date of Birth:
Parents Name:
Contact address : e-mail
Contract Address by Post:
Send your entries with the Title:
SHARE 2008 – name of the event (painting etc) & Age group.
Incomplete entries will not be selected for competition
Topics and Guidelines
For AGE GROUP 12 to 15 years
Pencil Sketching & Painting
· A day in your life with family
· Memories from your favourite holiday
· A day in your life with family – you may present any daily interactions
· Memories from your favourite holiday – you may present, places, actions etc
· For painting, outlines can be drawn and given, preferable mode of coloring is colour pencil.
· Let your child’s creative mind travel around.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
Essay writing (in English & Malayalam)
· After School - Your next destination ? And Why? And How?
· Your career planning, choice, selection, and how you are going about it.
· Entries can be in English or Malayalam, and a child can submit both in English and Malayalam.
· Neatly written on A4 size paper in own hand writing, with 1 inch margin on all side of the paper. Minimum 1 page and maximum up to 2 pages only.
· If possible, an additional typed copy also to be submitted along with the hand written version.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
Poem writing, Short Story (in English & Malayalam)
· Free choice – any interesting topic your child favours - Let your child’s creative mind travel around.
· Entries can be in English or Malayalam, and a child can submit both in English and Malayalam.
· Poem should be minimum 20 lines.
· Short story to be minimum of two hand written pages.
· Entries can be in English or Malayalam, and a child can submit both in English and Malayalam.
· Neatly written on A4 size paper in own hand writing, with 1 inch margin on all side of the paper.
· An additional typed copy also to be submitted along with the hand written version.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
Poster Designing
· Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) – How do you communicate with the society to protect your environment?
· Neatly prepared on A4 size paper in with pictures, graphics, self drawn and hand written.
· Completed work to be scanned and submitted in bmp or tiff format to team1dubai@gmail.com.
General Instructions:
· Please send the entries with a brief bio-data of the child showing:
Date of Birth:
Parents Name:
Contact address : e-mail
Contract Address by Post:
Send your entries with the Title:
SHARE 2008 – name of the event (painting etc) & Age group.
Incomplete entries will not be selected for competition

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