Engg admissions at DCE and NSIT Delhi June 14 : Delhi College of Engineering, Shahbad Daulatpur, Main Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 has issued the Admission Notice for B.E. Courses under Faculty of Technology (University of Delhi) for 2009-10 at Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) and Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT), for Delhi Region/Outside Delhi Region/Kashmiri Migrants.
Candidates who appeared in Combined Entrance Examination (CEE) 2009 conducted by University of Delhi for admission to B. E. Courses under Faculty of Technology (University of Delhi) in Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) and Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT) are eligible for admission under the ‘Delhi Region seats through CEE-2009’ category.
Admission will be made on the basis of Rank of CEE-2009, from amongst those, who apply in the prescribed form.
For Those who have appeared in AIEEE-2009 and have been declared eligible for Central Counselling by CBSE, will be considered for admission to B.E. Courses in the two institutes for 15% seats for outside Delhi Region under ‘Outside Delhi Region seats through AIEEE-2009’ category. Admission will be made on the basis of Rank of AIEEE-2009.
Application form can be obtained from 16th June, 2009 up to 1 pm on 6th July, 2009, from the Reception Counter, Administrative Building, Delhi College of Engineering, Shahbad Daulatpur, Main Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 in person on all working days from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4 pm on submission of a Pay Order or Crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 500/-.
Application form can be obtained through Post by sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 600/- (inclusive of postal charges) along with 3 address slips of size 10 cm X 5 cm, to which the application form is to be sent with the envelope containing the DD and address slips inscribed with ‘Request for B.E. admission form’, on top and to reach the ‘Administrative Officer, Delhi College of Engineering, Shahbad Daulatpur, Main Bawana Road, Delhi-110042’, latest by 25.06.2009.
The application form can also be downloaded from www.dce.edu or www.dce.ac.in and submitted along with a DD of Rs. 500/-.
Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of ‘Director, Delhi College of Engineering’, payable at ‘Delhi.’
Completed Form should reach the DCE latest by 4 p.m on 06.07.2009 (Monday).
Applicants desirous to be considered for Kashmiri Migrants seats (1 each in DCE & NSIT) should indicate their preferences at the appropriate place in the application form and attach attested photocopies of (i) Certificate of registration as Kashmiri Migrant issued by the Relief Commissioner, Jammu or Divisional Commissioner, Delhi (ii) Proof of property in Kashmir of the parent of the candidate (iii) Proof of current residence such as Ration Card, Photo Identity Card issued by the Election Commissioner, Driving License etc. Other conditions for admission of Kashmiri Migrants will remain same as mentioned above for others.
There are a total of 670 seats for BE at Delhi College of Engineering of which 569 will be filled based on CEE and 101 based on AIEEE. The branches, total seats, seats to be filled through CEE (85%) and seats to be filed based on AIEEE (15%) at Delhi College of Engineering are as follows.
(i) Electronics and Communication Engineering (120;102; 18)
(ii) Electrical Engineering (90; 76; 14)
(iii) Mechanical Engineering (120; 102; 18)
(iv) Civil Engineering (70; 59; 11)
(v) Production and Industrial Engineering (30; 26; 4)
(vi) Computer Engineering (90; 76; 14)
(vii) Polymer Science & Chemical Technology (40; 34; 6)
(viii) Environmental Engineering (30; 26; 4)
(ix) Information Technology (60; 51; 9)
(x) Bio-Technology (20; 17; 3)
At Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, there are 500 seats of which 425 will be filled based on CEE and 75 based on AIEEE.
Details are as follows.
(i) Electronics and Communication Engineering (120; 102; 18)
(ii) Computer Engineering (120; 102; 18)
(iii) Instrumentation and Control Engineering (120; 102; 18)
(iv) Manufacturing Process & Automation Engineering (60; 51; 9)
(v)Information Technology (60; 51; 9)
(vi) Bio-Technology (20; 17; 3)
Visit http://www.dce.edu/ for more details.